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BOAT RENTAL AND BOATING LICENCE - (+33)4 89 37 43 00    

general terms and conditions


The rental company is defined below as Sud Est Nautic, whose registered office is located at the following address: 231 Chemin de Saint Cassien – 06210 MANDELIEU LA NAPOULE.
Company registered at the RCS of Cannes under the number 448 030 650
And the tenant is defined below as the company or the person signing and accepting these general rental conditions.
The tenant acknowledges having the capacity to contract under the conditions described below, i.e. having reached the age of legal majority and not being under guardianship or trusteeship. The hirer acknowledges having read these GTC before placing the order.
The present general terms and conditions can be modified at any time and without notice by Sud Est Nautic, the modifications being then applicable to all subsequent orders.

Article 2 : PRICING

The amount of the rental remains the property of Sud Est Nautic, whether or not the tenant has made use of the boat during the rental period, whatever the reason for the vacancy.


If, as a result of damage that occurred during the previous rental period or an impediment beyond its control, the rental agency is unable to give the tenant the use of the designated boat, it is fully entitled to provide the tenant with a unit of equivalent or greater size. If it cannot do so 48 hours after the planned departure date, the paid sums will be returned without the tenant being able to claim damages.


In the event of cancellation on the part of the tenant, the paid sums shall automatically be retained by the RENTAL COMPANY as cancellation indemnities unless the tenant has taken out cancellation insurance.


Sud Est Nautic undertakes to entrust the tenant with a boat in perfect working conditions and cleanliness. The batteries, gas, fuel, as well as the transport costs are at the expense of the tenant, the gas refill full, the fuel and water refills made. An inventory signed by the tenant and the rental company is an acknowledgement of the equipment made available. The tenant must check this inventory as soon as he/she takes possession of the boat in order to verify the good conditions of the boat and its equipment. In the event of arrival the evening before the rental period or of non-signature of the inventory, if no remarks or reservations are made prior to departure, the tenant expressly accepts the inventory drawn up by the rental company.


The tenant certifies that the skipper has the necessary knowledge to carry out the intended navigation.
The tenant of a motorboat above 6 HP certifies that he holds a sea licence (carte Mer, Coastal, Offshore licence,…) of which he must provide a photocopy. The tenant undertakes to embark only the number of people corresponding to the regulations. He/she undertakes to use the boat only for pleasure boating within the framework of the maritime and customs legislation in force and in accordance with the type and equipment of the designated boat, to the exclusion of all commercial, professional fishing, transport or other operations. The rental company expressly releases the tenant from any liability as shipowner or otherwise due to a breach of these prohibitions, and is solely liable to the maritime or customs services, trials, prosecutions, fines and confiscations incurred by him/her on this account, even in the event of involuntary fault on his part. In the event of seizure of the rented boat, the tenant has to to reimburse the value of the boat within a month. The tenant is strictly forbidden to leave the boat at anchor or unattended and without a person on board capable of manoeuvring it. In the event of damage in such circumstances, the tenant’s liability will be irrevocably engaged.


All rentals are subject to the following rental agreement, which the tenant must read.

Article 8 : DEPOSIT

The deposit is paid by the tenant at the time of taking over the boat. Its purpose is to guarantee any damage to the rented property or loss of objects attributable to the tenant and not covered by insurance.
It is returned between eight and thirty days after the return of the boat. In the event of damage to the rented property or losses not covered by the insurance attributable to the tenant or on which there is doubt, the reimbursement of the deposit may be deferred until the tenant has paid the corresponding costs. The tenant is obliged to reimburse any subsequent payment made by the insurance company.


In the event of damage during the rental period resulting from normal wear and tear of the equipment, the tenant is authorised to take the initiative to repair it immediately, under his/her responsibility, if the amount does not exceed thirty Euros. This disbursement is refundable on presentation of the invoice. The tenant must obligatorily consult the rental company for any repairs exceeding this sum. If a small repair that does not hinder the boat’s operation is necessary, the tenant must return at least 24 hours in advance to allow the repair to be carried out. Failure to comply with this clause shall be considered a delay.
In the event of serious damage or an incident justifying the intervention of the insurance company, the tenant must urgently notify THE RENTAL COMPANY. While waiting for instructions, he/she must have a damage report drawn up by a damage surveyor with a view to reimbursement by the insurance companies. If the tenant does not fulfil these formalities and fails to take the necessary protective measures, he/she may be required to pay the totality of the expenses caused by the damage. In the event of a claim, the tenant is obliged to complete their declaration on the “logbook” and to submit their sea report to the rental company without delay.


The tenant is obliged to return to the port of embarkation on the agreed day and at the agreed time. Each hour or day of delay entitles THE TENANT to an indemnity equivalent to twice the daily price of an hourly, daily or weekly rental, regardless of the cause of the delay. Any accommodation and travel expenses of the next tenant as well as the rental company’s expenses for research, travel, telephone, … are also payable by the tenant. Furthermore, in the event of force majeure preventing the return on the agreed date, the tenant must contact the rental company and reach an agreement with them.
As soon as he/she arrives, the tenant must report his/her presence to the rental company and make an appointment for an inventory and inspection of the boat emptied of its occupants, the luggage and returned in perfect order and cleanliness. The tender is presented inflated. The gas refill is full. The fuel tank is full. The tenant is obliged to return the boat, the engine and its equipment in good working order and condition. If the boat is not returned in the condition it was on departure, the costs of cleaning and repair will be borne by the tenant. The return inventory is drawn up in contradiction to the inventory on departure. If damage or loss of the boat or any accessories is noted, the tenant is obliged to pay for the repair or replacement. In cases covered by insurance, the reimbursement is made after deduction of the deductible indicated and all accessory costs incurred by the damage (telephone, travel, …).
In the event of abandonment of the boat in a place other than that fixed, the costs of returning the boat and the passengers shall be borne by the tenant.


Subletting and lending are strictly forbidden, under penalty of prosecution, all costs being borne by the tenant. Use in races or regattas can only be made in agreement with THE RENTAL COMPANY, with a supplement at the double rate, franchise and deposit.

Article 12: LOGBOOK (in 3rd, 2nd and 1st category)

The tenant of the boat is responsible, in accordance with the laws and regulations on pleasure boating, for keeping the logbook throughout the duration of the charter. This logbook, provided by the lessor, must include information on navigation and all incidents and damage relating to the boat and navigation.

Article 13: DISPUTES

Any costs whatsoever of proceedings resulting from the present rental shall be borne by the tenant responsible, unless otherwise decided by the court; For all disputes relating to the execution of the present contract, jurisdiction is assigned to the court of Grasse.


The Company shall not be held liable for any failure whatsoever to fulfil its contractual obligations in the event of force majeure or fortuitous events, including but not limited to war, disasters, fire, internal or external strikes, internal or external failures or breakdowns, and in general any event that does not allow orders to be carried out properly.


Article L612-1 – Créé par Ordonnance n°2016-301 du 14 mars 2016 – art.
Tout consommateur a le droit de recourir gratuitement à un médiateur de la consommation en vue de la résolution amiable du litige qui l’oppose à un professionnel. A cet effet, le professionnel garantit au consommateur le recours effectif à un dispositif de médiation de la consommation.

Le professionnel peut mettre en place son propre dispositif de médiation de la consommation ou proposer au consommateur le recours à tout autre médiateur de la consommation répondant aux exigences du présent titre. Lorsqu’il existe un médiateur de la consommation dont la compétence s’étend à l’ensemble des entreprises d’un domaine d’activité économique dont il relève, le professionnel permet toujours au consommateur d’y recourir. Les modalités selon lesquelles le processus de médiation est mis en œuvre sont précisées par décret en Conseil d’Etat.

Article L612-2 – Créé par Ordonnance n°2016-301 du 14 mars 2016 – art.
Un litige ne peut être examiné par le médiateur de la consommation lorsque :
  • 1° Le consommateur ne justifie pas avoir tenté, au préalable, de résoudre son litige directement auprès du professionnel par une réclamation écrite selon les modalités prévues, le cas échéant, dans le contrat
  • 2° La demande est manifestement infondée ou abusive ;
  • 3° Le litige a été précédemment examiné ou est en cours d’examen par un autre médiateur ou par un tribunal ;
  • 4° Le consommateur a introduit sa demande auprès du médiateur dans un délai supérieur à un an à compter de sa réclamation écrite auprès du professionnel ;
  • 5° Le litige n’entre pas dans son champ de compétence.
Le consommateur est informé par le médiateur, dans un délai de trois semaines à compter de la réception de son dossier, du rejet de sa demande de médiation.
Article L612-3 – Créé par Ordonnance n°2016-301 du 14 mars 2016 – art.
La médiation des litiges de consommation est soumise à l’obligation de confidentialité prévue par l’article 21-3 de la loi n° 95-125 du 8 février 1995 relative à l’organisation des juridictions et de la procédure civile, pénale et administrative.
Article L612-4 – Créé par Ordonnance n°2016-301 du 14 mars 2016 – art.
Est interdite toute clause ou convention obligeant le consommateur, en cas de litige, à recourir obligatoirement à une médiation préalablement à la saisine du juge.
Article L612-5 – Créé par Ordonnance n°2016-301 du 14 mars 2016 – art.
Lorsqu’un médiateur public est compétent pour procéder à la médiation d’un litige de consommation, ce litige ne peut donner lieu à d’autres procédures de médiation conventionnelle, au sens du présent titre, sous réserve de l’existence d’une convention, notifiée à la commission d’évaluation et de contrôle de la médiation mentionnée à l’article L. 615-1, qui répartit les litiges entre les médiateurs concernés.
En cas de litige, le consommateur pourra recourir à un médiateur de la consommation en application de l’ordonnance n° 2015-1033 du 20 août 2015 relative au règlement extrajudiciaire des litiges de la consommation. Après avoir écrit à Sud Est Nautic, le Consommateur pourra saisir le Service du Médiateur pour tout litige de consommation dont le règlement n’aurait pas abouti : MEDIATION – NET Consommation – 3, rue des Morillons – 75015 Paris
Plateforme de Règlement en Ligne des Litiges : Conformément à l’article 14 du Règlement (UE) n°524/2013, la Commission Européenne a mis en place une plateforme de Règlement en Ligne des Litiges, facilitant le règlement indépendant par voie extrajudiciaire des litiges en ligne entre consommateurs et professionnels de l’Union européenne.
Cette plateforme est accessible au lien suivant :


The present general conditions are subject to the law of the country hosting the servers of the website.
These general conditions are subject to French law. The customer can, at any time, consult his rights at the following addresses: et
Any dispute relating to the validity, interpretation, execution or non-execution of these general conditions governing the relationship between the parties will be submitted to the competent court: Article R631-3 – Créé par Décret n°2016-884 du 29 juin 2016 – art.
The consumer may bring an action either before one of the courts territorially competent under the Code of Civil Procedure or before the court of the place where he resided at the time of the conclusion of the contract or the occurrence of the harmful event.
These Terms and Conditions were written in French. Even translated into one or more foreign languages, only the French text is authentic in the event of a dispute.
Created by: Décret n°2016-884 du 29 juin 2016 – art. In the event of a dispute, the consumer may have recourse to a consumer mediator pursuant to Order No. 2015-1033 of 20 August 2015 on the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes. After writing to Sud Est Nautic, the Consumer may refer any consumer dispute to the Mediation Service for any consumer dispute that has not been settled successfully: MEDIATION – NET Consommation – 3, rue des Morillons – 75015 Paris
Online Dispute Resolution Platform: In accordance with Article 14 of Regulation (EU) n°524/2013, the European Commission has set up an Online Dispute Resolution Platform, facilitating the independent out-of-court settlement of online disputes between consumers and professionals in the European Union. This platform can be accessed at the following link:

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    +33 4 89 37 43 00